

Foothill-De Anza Community College District maintains a Police Department staffed with highly trained officers to help protect the safety and ensure security of students, staff, their property, and the property of the District.

FHDA Police Officers are committed to standards of professional excellence and are required to meet the selection and training requirements of the California Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission (POST). Our Officers have full peace officer powers anywhere in the State of California, receive the same training and carry the same authority in or near the college campuses as city police officers and county deputy sheriffs.

FHDA Police Officers have completed a series of tests and education mandated by California POST and maintain annual training to remain certified. Additionally, our officers receive various types of in-service and continuing professional training related to the specific needs of the campus on an ongoing basis.

Active Shooter Preparedness and Training

RUN, HIDE, DEFEND, The Foothill-DeAnza Police Department presents an important Emergency Preparedness FREE Run, Hide, Defend Training. This two hour session, provided quarterly, is for Foothill-DeAnza students, faculty, administrators and staff. We provide a brief overview of campus safety awareness, what to look for (pre-Incident behavior indicators) and response in the event of an active assailant.

Recent tragedies remind us that the risk and increase of attacks by an active assailant are real. Taking a few steps now to learn about preparedness can help you react quickly when every second counts. What can you do? Prepare yourself by attending training and learn helpful tools on how to protect yourself and others.

Since an active shooter situation often occurs several minutes before law enforcement arrives on the scene, individuals must be prepared both mentally and physically to deal with an active shooter situation. Run, Hide, Defend training is intended to provide students, faculty and staff information on how to protect themselves and respond to an active assailant event.

RHD class

Check our course schedule on our Outreach page. For more information on upcoming Run, Hide, Defend training sessions presented by the District Police, please contact Joy Garza, Training and Outreach Supervisor at

For reference, see the training video below presented by the Santa Clara County Police Chief's Association and sponsored by the State Homeland Security Grant Program. 


Other Active Shooter Preparedness Webinar Training

Unable to attend our campus Run Hide Defend training ? This two hour online training webinar was created by CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) a division within the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to enhance awareness of, and response to, an active shooter incident.

Preparing for a potential active shooter incident is an integral component of an organization’s incident response planning. Register to attend one of CISA's webinars here.

There are additional resource materials to assist businesses, government offices, schools, and communities in preparing for and responding to an active shooter incident. Issues covered in the active shooter resources include:

  • Profile of an active shooter
  • Responding to an active shooter or other workplace violence situation
  • Training for an active shooter situation and creating an emergency action plan
  • Tips for recognizing signs of potential workplace violence 

Find additional preparedness products and resource materials here.


Training with Campus Administrators, Staff, and Faculty

Principled Policing, Procedural Justice & Implicit Bias: This course is the result of a collaborative partnership between the California Department of Justice, the Commission on Peace Officers Standards and Training, the Stockton and Oakland Police Departments, Stanford University and the California Partnership for Safe Communities.

This procedural justice and implicit bias training will consist of six areas that focus on policing approaches that emphasize respect, listening, neutrality and trust, while recognizing and addressing implicit biases that can be barriers to these approaches.

As a result, the training will work to create a broader awareness of both procedural justice and implicit bias in order to build trust and improve campus, public and officer safety. This course is designed to be delivered in a number of formats and can either be set in a regional setting or delivered for specific agency needs to include community members.

For more information on upcoming Principled Policing, Procedural Justice & Implicit Bias training sessions presented by the District Police, please contact Joy Garza, Training and Outreach Supervisor at

Mandated Perishable Skills, Campus Police and Legislated Training

POST Required Perishable Skills Program training list

  • Arrest & Defensive Tactics
  • Driver Training & Awareness
  • Strategic Communications
  • Tactical Firearms
  • Use of Force/De-Escalation

POST Required Updated or Refresher Training Requirements training list

  • Blood borne Pathogens / Aerosol Transmissible Diseases
  • Campus Law Enforcement
  • Domestic Violence Update
  • First Aid and CPR
  • Racial & Identity Profiling Update, Cultural Diversity
  • Respiratory Protection/Fitting
  • Pursuits

Additional Continuing Professional Training (24 hours mandated every two years)

  • Active Shooter Response
  • Crisis Intervention Behavioral Health Training
  • Cultural Diversity
  • De-escalation
  • DUI, fraud, and crime scene investigations
  • Interviewing, fingerprinting, and photography skills
  • Leadership
  • LGBTQ+ Competency & Awareness
  • Narcotics and narcotics user identification
  • Principled Policing, Implicit Bias
  • Report Writing
  • Responding to emotionally-disturbed persons, civil disturbances, and domestic violence situations
  • Weaponless defense and less than lethal defensive tactics
  • Wellness

List of Recent Foothill-De Anza Police Department Training:

For more information on training we provide and training we receive, please contact Joy Garza, Training and Community Relations Supervisor

Emergency Response

California requires that all of its employees, including state, local government and district, to be included in the disaster service worker status. This includes any persons employed by any county, city, state agency, school district, or public district.

All California employees shall complete baseline emergency preparedness training to be available for duties and response as a Disaster Service Worker, in the event of a local disaster.

Disaster Service Workers can be assigned a number of duties including field work in an emergency. Examples of emergencies include fire, flood, earthquake, public health, or public safety emergencies. (California Government Code 3100/3101)

Emergency Operations & Preparedness Campus Training

Emergency Operations is managed by the district Police Department. The Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) are essential for effective crisis management. The EOC may be activated during campus emergencies and acts as a centralized hub for coordination during emergencies, while the EOP outlines strategies and procedures for preparation, response, and recovery.

By planning, training and organizing mock exercises, we will be better prepared to handle these critical incidents. As members of the community, it is our responsibility to prepare at home and at our places of employment, so that we can faithfully fulfill our role during a disaster. We can do this by attending the trainings for public employees (Standard Emergency Management System, FEMA IS 100 & IS 700) and by attending local training exercises that will help us be more prepared citizens.

The California Office of Emergency Services created an in-house Training Unit, known as CSTI; California State Training Institute. CSTI provides a wide range of Emergency Management training disciplines tailored to be California centric, located on their physical campuses, in operational areas, and online.

The California Specialized Training Institute (CSTI) provides training in all phases of emergency management: preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation. CSTI’s training programs include: Basic and Advanced Training for Emergency Services Coordinators, EOC Position Specific Training, EOC Action Planning Training, and all levels of the California’s Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) and Incident Command System (ICS) approved courses.

Each Foothill-DeAnza EOC member is required to complete the baseline training course SEMS G606, regardless of position or discipline. Once completed, you must present proof of completion to Sgt. Jeff McCoy at

SEMS G606 training course is available online, self-paced, and is a prerequisite before position specific training can begin. Here are the online Instructions:

  1. Go to This will bring you to the California OES Training site Home Page.

  2. At the Home Page panel near the top, you will see a "lightbulb" shaped icon labeled "Registration". Click the icon and it will take you to the Registration Portal to create your account. Fill out the required information, including creating a password. Return to the Home Page when completed.

  3. At the Home Page, in the upper right drop-down navigation menu, Click on “My Portal”. You may be prompted to log in with your username and password.

  4. Locate the "Browse Training" icon and click. This will bring up the course list.

  5. Filter your view to online courses. To do this, locate the heading "Type" on the left margin of the page. Below the subject line there are four small icons. Click on the computer icon. This will show the online training courses.

  6. From the list, locate the course "Standardized Emergency Management System Introduction" (SEMS G606) Online Course. Click on the title to select, which will bring up a "Launch" button to start the course.

For more information on Emergency Response Training please visit our Emergency Preparedness, Response & Plan  page.