

Report Emergencies or Crimes in Progress

To report crimes in progress, or other police, fire, or medical emergencies on campus, dial 9-1-1 from any campus phone, or (408) 924-8000 from your cell phone.

Emergencies can also be reported by using one of the "Blue Light" emergency telephones located throughout the campus and parking areas on both campuses. Even if you are unable to speak, the dispatcher can locate the phone from which you are calling and a police officer will be dispatched to your location.

Report a crime, suspicious activity or Non-Emergencies

If you are a victim of a crime, have witnessed criminal activity or suspicious behavior and/or if you have information you believe will assist the police in solving a crime, please contact us through any one of the ways list on this page.

For NON-EMERGENCY calls for assistance, call the Foothill-De Anza Police Department at (650) 949-7313.

Calling From Cell Phones

Cell phone users may request emergency and non-emergency assistance by dialing (408) 924-8000. Dialing 9-1-1 from a cell phone may be received by the California Highway Patrol or another local law enforcement agency and result in a longer response time for assistance.

If You See Something, Say Something

We want to remind our community to be aware of suspicious activity and how to report it to law enforcement. We all have someone, or something, to protect and we all play a role in keeping our communities safe.

It’s easy to be distracted during our daily routines; going to work, school, or the grocery store, but as you’re going about your day, if you see something that doesn’t seem quite right, say something.

Report Concerning Behavior

If you have a concern with a college employee or student; behavioral concerns, worrisome behavior, or student code of conduct violations, you can report it anonymously here


De Anza:

If you observe suspicious vehicles, suspicious circumstances, disruptive, strange, threatenning, or unusual behavior on campus, call 911 or (408) 924-8000 from your cell phone.

Assistance for Crime Victims and Witnesses

If you are the victim or witness of a crime, we can help you with transportation, contacting family or friends and/or other assistance and local resources as needed.